Bitcoin fell 5.8% to $66,398 in Tuesday's trading session after US manufacturing sector data for March rose more than expected. Meanwhile, Ethereum, the second largest crypto token, also plunged over 6.6% to $3,365. At 10.39 a.m., other altcoins such as Solana (-8.7%), BNB (-5.8%), XRP (-4.5%), Dogecoin (-12.8%), Cardano (-7.6%), Shiba Inu (-10.3%), and Bitcoin Cash (-12.8%) declined. The global cryptocurrency market cap declined 6% to around $2.52 trillion in the last 24 hours. The total volume in DeFi is currently $10.72 billion, 9.07% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume. The volume of all stablecoins is now $107.54 billion, which is 91.05% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume.
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